El Frente Polisario denuncia campaña "difamatoria" de la AFP, SPS, 29.12.11

Malí autoriza a las autoridades saharauis a perseguir a bandas terroristas en su territorio , SPS, 31.12.11
ver los enlaces sobre la lucha antiterrorista en la region en le blog THE MOOR NEXT DOOR
THE MOOR NEXT DOOR: A short roundup of links related to al-Qa’idah in the Islamic Maghreb from the last few days. In the main these stories deal with relations between Mali and the Polisario (there were reports of a deterioration in relations and Bamako withdrawing from ties with the Polisario and then that Mali had agreed to allow the Polisario right of pursuit into its territory) 31.12.11

Two French kidnapped in Mali: Polisario Front denounces "slanderous" campaign against it, SPS, 29.12.11

Mali allows SADR to go after terrorists on its territory, SPS, 31.12.11

Prétendue implication du Polisario dans le terrorisme : le Front Polisario dénonce une campagne "calomnieuse" de l’AFP, SPS, 29.12.11

Le Mali accorde à la RASD le "droit de poursuivre" sur son territoire des terroristes , SPS, 31.12.11
voir aussi la liste de divers liens plus généraux sur le thème de la lutte antiterroriste dans la région chez THE MOOR NEXT DOOR

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