publication du Comité pour le Respect des Libertés et des Droits Humains au Sahara Occidental --> No 10/ mai 2008, à télécharger en PDF

publication du Comité pour le Respect des Libertés et des Droits Humains au Sahara Occidental --> No 10/ mai 2008, à télécharger en PDF
Publié par arso à 9:46 PM
Letter sent to Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice on May 27 2008
by Senators Edward M. Kennedy, Russel D. Feingold ( Chairman of the Senate Committe on Africa ), James M. Inhofe ( Member of the Armed Services Committee ), Patrick J. Leahy ( Member of Apropriation Committee and Judiciary ), Herb Kohl ( Member of Judiciary and Appropriations Committee ), Jim DeMint ( Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs ).
United States Senate
Publié par arso à 9:27 PM
Interview with the UN Secretary-General's personal envoy Peter van Walsum in a Dutch newspaper called NRC Handelsblad, 24.05.08:read translation and comments in :
>>> Western Sahara Info
>>> Sahara Watch
Interview with Peter van Walsum
Publié par arso à 9:13 PM
Pacific Regional Seminar on Decolonization of the Special Committee of 24 on Decolonization:
Delegates discuss Non-Self-Governing Territories of Western Sahara, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Tokelau as Pacific Regional Seminar enters second day, Reliefweb 15.05.08
POLISARIO statement before the UN Special Committee of 24 on Decolonization (complete text), 16.05.08, UPES
The Special Committee of 24 on Decolonization reiterates the need to the decolonisation of Western Sahara, 16.05.08, UPES
UN - Decolonization
Publié par arso à 9:43 AM
New Zealand’s illegal trade in North Africa By Gordon Campbell, Scoop NZ, 19.05.08
Natural resources
Publié par arso à 9:38 PM
Pratiques de pouvoir. Une semaine politique ordinaire au Royaume du Maroc.
Blog de Larbi, 19.05.08
Un regard sur le Maroc (blog)
Publié par arso à 9:31 PM
Western Sahara - The destruction of biodiversity by modern colonialism by Axel Goldau, Translated by Nele Saworski
With delicate fine paintings by the Sahrawian artist Fadel Jalifa
Kritische Oekologie Special, May 2008
The Ninth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)(COP9) and the Fourth Meeting of Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (MOP4), will both take place in May 2008. Delegates from all the 190 member states of the Convention will be on the conference hosted by Germany from 19 to 30 May 2008.
The term ‘colonialism’ will not be mentioned neither on the Conference (COP9) nor on the Meeting (MOP4.) And the problems concerning biodiversity that result from “modern colonialism” will not be addressed.
It may or may not be a coincidence that the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1991 / 1992 and the founding of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) have set in motion important processes. But so far, these processes have not led to any solutions to the problems the organisations set out to solve. The loss of biological diversity has quickened its pace. International pharmaceutical and agro- corporations threat the existence of people all around the world, and the UN completely failed to decolonize Western Sahara. The former Spanish colony is still one of 16 countries on the United Nations list of non- self governing territories. Apart from St. Helena it is the last on the African Continent.
--> read the full text: PDF - with paintings or Word - without.
Colonialism and Environment
Publié par arso à 9:39 AM
Western Sahara, Viewspoints No 6, The Middel East Institute, April 2008:
Analysis - Analisis
Publié par arso à 4:46 PM
La tenacidad saharaui persistirá a pesar de la disuasión Por Habuha Breika, GEES. Colaboraciones nº 2271 | 29 de Abril de 2008
Publié par arso à 7:57 PM
The Saharawi Journalists and Writers Union issued an open letter to the international public opinion and international community to condemn the Moroccan systematic human rights violations in Western Sahara.
It also reminded the "United Nations, especially the Security Council, that the Saharawi people has got an inalienable right to self-determination and independence, and that the Saharawi people only, are the side that have the power to decide over the political future and status of Western Sahara. The right to self-determination is a fundamental right granted by the UNs Charter and international legality to all peoples, and thus the Saharawi people will exercise it, and will make use of all relevant means to do make this happen", the letter reads.
Read the complete text of the letter
Message on World Press Freedom Day
Publié par arso à 4:59 PM
La ofensiva del realismo en el Sáhara Occidental Por Ana Camacho, GEES, Grupo de Estudios Estrategicos, Colaboraciones nº 2287 | 9 de Mayo de 2008
Publié par arso à 8:29 PM
Traducción por M. Limam Mohamed Ali de: The Legal Status of Western Sahara and the Laws of War and Occupation, Jacob Mundy, Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos GEES, Colaboraciones nº 1788 , 26.06.07
Publié par arso à 8:15 PM
Bardem , por la libertad del pueblo saharaui. El actor lidera una plataforma, Europa Press, 06.05.08
Javier Bardem, imagen de campaña de apoyo del cine español al pueblo saharaui. EFE/El Pais, 05.05.08
Video: TV cuatro'
Publié par arso à 10:08 AM
S/RES/1813 (2008) 30.04.08(texte)
Security Council extends UN mission in Western Sahara untill 30.04.08
unanimously adopting resolution 1813 (2008), UN, 30.04.08 Security Council urges more talks on Western Sahara status, AFP 30.04.08
UN council urges realism in Western Sahara dispute, Claudia Parsons,Reuters, 30.04.08
Saharawi commentaries see SPS
US Department of State, taken question, office of spokesman, 01.05.08
U.N. Mission to Western Sahara Renewed in Disputed Resolution, Adam Wolfe, 01 May 2008, World Politics Review Exclusive
Innercitypress, 29.04.08
Innercitypress, 30.04.08
Innercitypress, 30.04.08
Sahara: le Conseil de sécurité demande la poursuite des négociations, AFP, 30.04.08
Le Conseil proroge jusqu'au 30 avril 2009 le mandat de la MINURSO et appelle les parties au réalisme pour maintenir l'élan des négociations, ONU, 30.04.08
commentaires Sahara Press Services
Consejo Seguridad aprueba resolución pide visión 'realista' conflicto Sahara, EFE, 01.05.08
comentarios saharauis ver SPS
Frente Polisario pide a Marruecos "compromiso" en el conflicto del Sáhara, AFP, 01 de Mayo de 2008
UN Webcast SC session 30.04.08/Webcast session du Conseil de sécurité30.04.08, video engl. + original language, 30 min:
SC Resolution adopted - Résolution du CdS adoptée - Resolucion del CdS adoptada
Publié par arso à 9:28 PM